Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC)
Brisbane Airport
The solution
The 10-week project operated night and day, with all demolition and installation done after dark while the roof flashings and scaffold jumps were completed during the day. Crane lifts managed from airside solved the problem of access, although this meant our team had to take extra precautions in terms of safety.
- Demolition of existing structure
- Installation of new structure
The Outcome
This was a successful project in terms of both safety and execution, because from the outset everyone was aware of the logistical issues involved. Each logistical challenge was broken down until a solution was developed, reviewed, tested and put into play. This was possible due to excellent collaboration and cooperation between BAC and Box & Co. When things didn’t go as planned, our team was able to quickly adapt and evolve on the journey.
One of our KPIs was how we could use this project to help keep the domestic economy going in the midst of a pandemic, and we were proud to deliver the project using 90% local suppliers and 100% local labour.